SACC History/ Historia

1962 August 19, First public mass was said at the Yacht Club Teen Center. Monsignor Joseph DeVaney was named Administrator.

1964 June 4th, St. Andrew Mission was established. Fr. Esteban Soy was named administrator.

Our Priest Hero

1965 August 21st, St. Andrew Mission rose to the status of a parish.  In August a new church was dedicated. Fr. Soy apointed the first pastor.

1966 Original Rectory was built.

1976 Fr. Timothy Murphy was appointed pastor.

Retired Pastor from Cape Coral dies - Diocese of Venice

1983 New church constructed and on July 24th, the first Mass was celebrated in the present church, original church was converted into a parish hall.

1986 Office addition added to Rectory building.

1989 Phase one of the School was built.  Opened in August with 80 students in grades in kindergarten though third grade.

1993 Phase two of teh School was completed. Now providing services for middle school.

1997 Fr. Neil Flemming was apointed pastor.  The parish hall was renovated, and construction began on the new Rectory.

2000 Fr. James Flemming was appointed pastor, and the new Rectory was completed.

2002 Interior church restoration

2003 Fr. Mark L. Heuberger was apointed pastor

Staff Member: Rev. Mark Heuberger | Ss. Peter and Paul the Apostles

2004 40th year Anniversary celebrated.  On November 11, 2004 Anniversary mass held at the Lee County Sports Complex

2005 2010 Plan initiated

2006 Chapel restoration began.  Glass added between church and chapel with Saints depicted sporadically.  Glass doors added to close off the chapel when only the chapel is in use.

Etchings Wall | St. Andrew Catholic Church

2007      Feburary- Feasibility Study for 2010 plan. Capital Campaign began
               July 1- Cargill enlisted to oversee Capital Campaign
               May- New roof on church completed
               October- New organ purchased

2008 March- Capital Campaign began

2013 Fr. Richard York was apointed pastor

2015 Fr. Gordon was names Administrator


2019 Fr. Eduardo was named as Administrator

Faculty/Staff — St. Andrew Catholic School

2021 Fr. Eduardo Coll was appointed as pastor

Bishop Dewane installs two local Pastors | Venice |

2022 Piata statue and church after Hurricane Ian